Adult Private Lessons
Adult Singles:
Adults of any age who are interested in learning how to dance from the beginning or simply ready to brush up on their dance skills are welcome to take individual private lessons—no partner is needed and you can gradually move into the open Friday Party or over to a group lesson.
Adult Couples:
Come out and spend some time with your loved one while learning how to dance! Enjoy time together, get away from the stress and day-to-day. Any age or experience level is welcome.
Adult Groups:
Meet people and make some friends.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays

Kids Single:
Prepare your children and young ones for their bar or bat mitzvah so they look comfortable and prepared and you’ll be able to snap some great photos. The will learn poise, and posture and social etiquette & overall dancing skills.
Kids Couples:
Meet new friends and learn new dancing skills. This is also great for a Father/Daughter or Mother/Son dance.
Kids Groups:
Your child will learn social skills and will have an opportunity to spend some time away from technology and the hectic world. Enjoy an hour of fun and learning while making new friends, boosting their self-confidence and overcome shyness. A great way for your child to hang out with their friends!